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Creating Collection Controls with Rich Design Time Support Show Code Snippets: What are Collection Controls? Actually it's a term I just made up, but when I say it I am referring to those user interface controls that present themselves as lists. The more obvious examples of these are listboxes, listviews and treeviews. Less obvious are things like toolbars. They all maintain a collection of objects which are displayed. In some cases, these objects in the collection have collections of subitems themselves. An example of this is the listview, where each item can have subitems when the control is in Report view mode. When you introduce a collection to your control, your job suddenly gets a lot harder. You end up having to write at least three more classes than you would if you were just developing a simple control with properties, such as a Button. Requirements of a Collection Control When writing one of these controls, it is usual to spend a little more time in code when you are still writing the object model. You have to define the property on the main control used to access the collection. You have to write the class which will represent each individual item (for example, the ListViewItem class). You have to write the class which will act as a collection for your subitems. And that's just to get it functional. To add design time support, you have to write a class to act as a Type Converter for your subitems. When the user has populated your control at design time, the code serializers go through each object in your collection and use this converter class to inspect it and give it the best way of recreating it (i.e. which constructor to use). Although this type of control has subitems, they are typically not responsible for drawing themselves. They do not actually have windows of their own, instead it is up to the parent control to calculate their positions and draw them. Rich Design Time Support Is another term I've invented. I use it to refer to doing that little bit of extra work to really make your control easy to work with at design time. I have a couple of my own controls posted, and neither of them use the Collection Editor which is the standard way of modifying collections at design time. Instead, they use a system of designer verbs and selections to make the changes visually. To add rich design time support, you will likely be writing a designer for the main control, and a designer for the subitems. It's in these designers and in extensions of the code in your control that you will add the necessary code. One of the requirements is that your subitems are selectable and modifiable with the usual property grid control. To enable this, every subitem must be present on the design surface. This means that it has to implement the IComponent interface, and the easiest way to do that is to derive them from Component. The beauty of rich design time support is the user being able to select each subitem just by clicking on it. It's not a trivial task, and as far as the designer is aware (by default) you're just clicking on part of the main control. It's up to our design time code to use the interfaces provided by the host environment to select the subitem the user has clicked on and draw it as such. We also need to listen to selection change events from the host environment, so that when the user selects a different control, we are notified and can redraw. Designing the Object Model For this article we will create a control which is laid out like a toolbar. All the "buttons" will have a Colour property which will be the only way of controlling their appearance. The buttons will be selectable and modifiable at design time. The main control will feature only one custom property, which we will call "Buttons". We will hide this property at design time using the BrowsableAttribute class, because we want to use our own logic to add and remove them, rather than the collection editor. Our subitems, which we will call ColourButtons, will have just one property - Colour. When a button is selected, a thick border will be drawn around it. I know this is a pretty useless control we're developing, but you would use exactly the same method to develop any advanced control, such as a toolbar or a list of some kind. One of the most important things to get right with a control like this is separating the layout logic from the drawing logic. Internally, the control needs to keep a list of rectangles maintained, one for each button. We will implement a CalculateLayout function that loops through the collection and generates the rectangles. This function will be called whenever a button is added to or removed from the collection, or the main control is resized. The drawing code is much easier if all the rectangles are pre-calculated like this. You should never calculate positions in drawing code, because it just isn't necessary. Drawing is required far more of the time than calculating positions. Starting Off I won't put all the code in to this article, because it would just get cluttered. Instead I will paste the important bits, and attempt to describe the rest. I will be developing the control in both VB and C# as I write, and the resultant solution will be available for download at the end. First things first, we add the new usercontrol to our project. As we don't want our drawing to flicker, we use the protected SetStyle function in the constructor to turn on the DoubleBuffer and AllPaintingInWmPaint styles. These two go hand in hand. We also define the CalculateLayout function, which we will be calling from the collection and when the control is resized. Next comes defining the subitem class, and the strongly-typed collection class which we'll use to contain the buttons. At this point we add the Buttons property to the main control, which exposes a private instance of this collection, instantiated in the main control's constructor. The ColourButton has an internal Bounds member of type Rectangle, which will hold the position of the button in the control. For simplicity, our collection will only implement the Add and Remove functions, and the indexer. Normally you would add a few more strongly-typed helper functions to it, such as IndexOf. The constructor of the collection is internal and takes an instance of the main control as a parameter. This is so that this instance can be passed on to buttons as they are added, because when the user changes the colour of a button it needs to signal that a redraw is needed. Here is the code for the ColourButton and ColourButtonCollection classes: Public Class ColourButton Inherits Component Private _Colour As Color = Color.White Friend Control As CollectionControl = Nothing Friend Bounds As Rectangle Drawing and Layout Logic We have already created the CalculateLayout function (although it is blank at this point) and are calling it when buttons are added to or removed from the collection. We also need to override OnResize and call it there. For this example control we will display the buttons in one horizontal line, from left to right. We will leave some padding at the sides, then the buttons will take up the rest of the space vertically and make themselves as wide as they are tall. The CalculateLayout function will also invalidate the control. Although you often redraw without calculating positions, you never calculate positions without redrawing. Friend Sub CalculateLayout() Const PADDING As Integer = 3 Dim buttonSize, x, i As Integer 'x is the current horizontal position Dim button As ColourButton Dim wrct As Rectangle x = PADDING buttonSize = ClientRectangle.Height - (2 * PADDING) For i = 0 To _buttons.Count - 1 button = _buttons(i) 'Create bounds rectangle for button and increment x wrct = New Rectangle(x, PADDING, buttonSize, buttonSize) button.Bounds = wrct x += buttonSize + PADDING Next 'Mark the control as invalid so it gets redrawn Invalidate() End Sub Next is the drawing code, which for this example is incredibly simple. We override the OnPaint method to draw the buttons, simply filling their rectangles with a brush we create from their defined colour. Note that there is another method, OnPaintBackground, which we do not touch. If we were doing anything special with the background of the control, like a different colour, we would. As it is, if we leave it we don't have to worry about painting the background at all. In fact since we're inheriting from UserControl our control already features a BackColor property and even a way to have an image as the background. Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Dim button As ColourButton Dim b As Brush Dim wrct As Rectangle For Each button In _buttons 'Create brush from button colour If Not (b Is Nothing) Then b.Dispose() b = New SolidBrush(button.Colour) 'Fill rectangle with this colour wrct = button.Bounds If highlightedButton Is button Then e.Graphics.FillRectangle(SystemBrushes.Highlight, RectangleF.op_Implicit(wrct)) wrct.Inflate(-3, -3) End If e.Graphics.FillRectangle(b, wrct) Next End Sub Note that I've introduced a variable scoped to the control to contain a reference to the button which should have a highlight drawn on it, if any. This will be important later when we deal with the user selecting buttons as design time. At this point, the control actually works. Since I haven't hidden the Buttons property from the propertygrid yet, after adding the control to a form I can go in to the collection editor and add buttons to it. The buttons all show up as white squares, but we're well on our way. Controlling Serialization Before any changes we make to the Buttons collection will be serialized to code, we need to add a TypeConverter class and associate it with ColourButton. A TypeConverter helps the serializers know how to recreate an object that is already instantiated. I'm going to use a very simple TypeConverter in this example, which simply tells the serializers to use the default, parameterless constructor. Friend Class ColourButtonConverter Inherits TypeConverter Public Overloads Overrides Function CanConvertTo(ByVal context As _ ITypeDescriptorContext, ByVal destType As Type) As Boolean If destType Is GetType(InstanceDescriptor) Then Return True End If Return MyBase.CanConvertTo(context, destType) End Function Public Overloads Overrides Function ConvertTo(ByVal context As _ ITypeDescriptorContext, ByVal culture As System.Globalization.CultureInfo, _ ByVal value As Object, ByVal destType As Type) As Object If destType Is GetType(InstanceDescriptor) Then Dim ci As System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo = _ GetType(ColourButton).GetConstructor(System.Type.EmptyTypes) Return New InstanceDescriptor(ci, Nothing, False) End If Return MyBase.ConvertTo(context, culture, value, destType) End Function End Class We also need to tell the serializers that they have to go in to our Buttons property before they will even get that far, and we do this with the DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute class. Apart from its name being such an impressive length, all this attribute does it inform the serializers what to do with our property. We want them to delve in to the collection, so we specify Content. When we add buttons to the control at design time, save, close the designer and re-open it, the buttons are there again. That's all we have to do with regards to serialization, and it's a big step out of the way. Adding the Designer Just before we add the designers, we'll clean up a couple of things. Firstly, we apply a BrowsableAttribute to the Buttons property, specifying False so the property doesn't appear in the propertygrid. Secondly, you may have noticed that when testing the control, adding buttons to the collection caused the buttons to appear in the component tray area of the form. This is normal since we are using components, but in this case we want to hide them. We do so using the DesignTimeVisibleAttribute class, again specifying False. Lastly, and this is a very minor detail, we use the ToolboxItemAttribute class to stop our ColourButton classes from appearing in their own right in the toolbox. Now, we can go on to creating our designer. It will inherit from ControlDesigner. What we need it to do is handle clicks on the main control so that they select individual buttons, and listen for events on the design surface so we know when the user has selected something else. We also need to listen for an event fired when the user deletes one of the button components. Lastly, we need to override the AssociatedComponents property and simply pass it the Buttons collection, so it knows they go along with the control. It makes use of this information when the user copies the control to the clipboard and pastes it somewhere else. This is a good time to tell you about the GetService function. The VS.NET IDE hosts a great deal of services, tied to a hierarchical chain of resources. They go up as high as the project level, and as low as a view of a particular source file (design view and code view). The services we are interested in are ISelectionService and IComponentChangeService. Every design view of a source file has these, and we can access them through the protected GetService method of the ComponentDesigner class, which ControlDesigner inherits from. Designers have an Initialize function, which is called pretty much immediately after they are created. This function accepts a parameter which contains the object the designer is to provide support for. It is in this function that we will get a hold of ISelectionService and IComponentChangeService and wire up the events we need, which are SelectionChanged and ComponentRemoving. It is important to remember to unwire the events, which we do by overriding the Dispose method. It's important to note that when writing designers, things can go wrong. They certainly have for me. Because designers are integrated quite tightly with the host environment, if you code something wrong or forget to clean up after yourself, things can really go awry. The kind of things it takes a restart of the IDE to fix. This is referred to as "playing nice with the other designers". Heaven forbid you should cause an exception to be thrown in designer code - debugging them is a real pain. Anyway - here's the code to start off our designer. I've also tied the designer to the main control by using the DesignerAttribute class. This designer does nothing apart from wiring up the events we need and calling an internal function (with no code as yet) in the main control. Friend Class CollectionControlDesigner Inherits ControlDesigner Private MyControl As CollectionControl Public Overrides Sub Initialize(ByVal component As System.ComponentModel.IComponent) MyBase.Initialize(component) 'Record instance of control we're designing MyControl = DirectCast(component, CollectionControl) 'Hook up events Dim s As ISelectionService = DirectCast(GetService(GetType(ISelectionService)), _ ISelectionService) Dim c As IComponentChangeService = DirectCast(GetService(GetType _ (IComponentChangeService)), IComponentChangeService) AddHandler s.SelectionChanged, AddressOf OnSelectionChanged AddHandler c.ComponentRemoving, AddressOf OnComponentRemoving End Sub Private Sub OnSelectionChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) MyControl.OnSelectionChanged() End Sub Private Sub OnComponentRemoving(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ComponentEventArgs) End Sub Protected Overloads Overrides Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean) Dim s As ISelectionService = DirectCast(GetService(GetType(ISelectionService)), _ ISelectionService) Dim c As IComponentChangeService = DirectCast(GetService(GetType _ (IComponentChangeService)), IComponentChangeService) 'Unhook events RemoveHandler s.SelectionChanged, AddressOf OnSelectionChanged RemoveHandler c.ComponentRemoving, AddressOf OnComponentRemoving MyBase.Dispose(disposing) End Sub Public Overrides ReadOnly Property AssociatedComponents() As _ System.Collections.ICollection Get Return MyControl.Buttons End Get End Property End Class Adding Buttons The first thing we want the user to be able to do is to add buttons. We will make use of a designer verb to do this. For an explanation of designer verbs, see my article "Introduction to Designers". We only want one verb, and we'll simply title it "Add Button". In the code that executes when the user activates this verb, we have to create a button and add it to the collection. This may sound trivial, but this is one of those times when we have to play nice with the other designers. If we simply created a button and added it to the collection, how would the IDE know anything had changed? How would it know WHAT had changed, so the user can undo/redo? Enter the DesignerTransaction class. When you perform a significant action (or group of actions) to something on the design surface, you should wrap it in a transaction. Every transaction has a friendly name, which appears on the dropdown by the Undo/Redo buttons in the host environment. Also, every distinct change to make to an object (in this case, the Buttons collection) needs to be wrapped with a call to OnComponentChanging and OnComponentChanged, on the IComponentChangeService. Lastly, you should not attempt to instantiate a ColourButton directly - let the designer host (another service we'll use) do the creating for you. This ensures that the object is on the design surface, and it keeps everyone happy. If the ColourButton class had a designer itself, that would get created too. I know this all sounds like a lot of work, and it is, but you get used to it and most of it is boilerplate that can be copy/pasted easily. Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Verbs() As _ System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerVerbCollection Get Dim v As New DesignerVerbCollection() 'Commands to insert and add buttons v.Add(New DesignerVerb("&Add Button", AddressOf OnAddButton)) Return v End Get End Property Private Sub OnAddButton(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Dim button As ColourButton Dim h As IDesignerHost = DirectCast(GetService(GetType(IDesignerHost)), IDesignerHost) Dim dt As DesignerTransaction Dim c As IComponentChangeService = DirectCast(getservice(GetType _ (IComponentChangeService)), IComponentChangeService) 'Add a new button to the collection dt = h.CreateTransaction("Add Button") button = DirectCast(h.CreateComponent(GetType(ColourButton)), ColourButton) c.OnComponentChanging(MyControl, Nothing) MyControl.Buttons.Add(button) c.OnComponentChanged(MyControl, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing) dt.Commit() End Sub Note that even after writing all that, our implementation isn't quite complete yet - you can add buttons, and the undo and redo buttons will remove the button from the design surface ok but they won't remove the button from the Buttons collection - we'll come back to that later. Selecting Buttons Designers offer a useful method to override, called GetHitTest. This is passed some coordinates, and it's up to your logic to let the designer know whether or not to pass the event (usually a click) on to the control underneath. We will override this method, and see if the mouse cursor is within the bounds of any of the buttons on the control. If it is, we'll return true. Protected Overrides Function GetHitTest(ByVal point As System.Drawing.Point) As Boolean Dim button As ColourButton Dim wrct As Rectangle point = MyControl.PointToClient(point) For Each button In MyControl.Buttons wrct = button.Bounds If wrct.Contains(point) Then Return True Next Return False End Function This way, our MouseDown event in the control will be fired if the user clicks on a button. In this event, we check if we're in design mode (with the DesignMode property) and if we are, find which button the cursor is on. Then we get a reference to ISelectionService and set the selection to that button. Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseDown(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Dim button As ColourButton Dim wrct As Rectangle Dim s As ISelectionService Dim a As ArrayList If DesignMode Then For Each button In Buttons wrct = button.Bounds If wrct.Contains(e.X, e.Y) Then s = DirectCast(GetService(GetType(ISelectionService)), ISelectionService) a = New ArrayList() a.Add(button) s.SetSelectedComponents(a) Exit For End If Next End If MyBase.OnMouseDown(e) End Sub At this point, clicking on an individual button in the control at design time will select it, and you can even modify its properties in the propertygrid. We've one last piece of code to write before the selection stuff is complete though, and that's filling in the function we created earlier that is called when the selection changes. It's in here that we'll set the highlightedButton variable we created so the selection is indicated visually too. Friend Sub OnSelectionChanged() Dim button As ColourButton Dim newHighlightedButton As ColourButton = Nothing Dim s As ISelectionService = DirectCast(GetService(GetType _ (ISelectionService)), ISelectionService) 'See if the primary selection is one of our buttons For Each button In Buttons If s.PrimarySelection Is button Then newHighlightedButton = button Exit For End If Next 'Apply if necessary If Not newHighlightedButton Is highlightedButton Then highlightedButton = newHighlightedButton Invalidate() End If End Sub We're almost there. We can now add the control to a form, use the designer verb to add buttons, and select those buttons visually, changing their properties in the propertygrid. Removing Buttons This is another question of playing nicely with the designers. We will be writing the code to go in the OnComponentRemoving function in our designer. We need to handle two things in here. Firstly, the user removing the main control. When this happens we need to destroy all the buttons that are on the design surface. Secondly, when the user removes a button by selecting it and pressing delete. We need to remove it from the Button collection when this happens. Again, any changes we make to anything need to be wrapped in OnComponentChanging and OnComponentChanged calls. Private Sub OnComponentRemoving(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ComponentEventArgs) Dim c As IComponentChangeService = DirectCast(GetService(GetType _ (IComponentChangeService)), IComponentChangeService) Dim button As ColourButton Dim h As IDesignerHost = DirectCast(GetService(GetType(IDesignerHost)), IDesignerHost) Dim i As Integer 'If the user is removing a button If TypeOf e.Component Is ColourButton Then button = DirectCast(e.Component, ColourButton) If MyControl.Buttons.Contains(button) Then c.OnComponentChanging(MyControl, Nothing) MyControl.Buttons.Remove(button) c.OnComponentChanged(MyControl, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing) Return End If End If 'If the user is removing the control itself If e.Component Is MyControl Then For i = MyControl.Buttons.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1 button = MyControl.Buttons(i) c.OnComponentChanging(MyControl, Nothing) MyControl.Buttons.Remove(button) h.DestroyComponent(button) c.OnComponentChanged(MyControl, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing) Next End If End Sub Now that we've added that code, the user can delete buttons visually as they would delete any other control or component on the design surface. Also, Undo and Redo now work when adding buttons. Conclusion We have created the basics of a toolbar control with rich design time support. Adding more properties to the buttons is easy compared to the code we've had to write to enable this support. I hope you've found this article useful, it has certainly demonstrated a lot of the techniques you'll use when writing both design time and runtime code. The toolbar doesn't actually do anything at run time except sit there and look pretty, but we already have the elements in place to add support for mouseovers and a ButtonClick event. I have provided a solution with both a VB and C# project, which are functionally identical.