SandDock User Guide
This documentation is intended to be an introduction and user guide to the SandDock library. It will get you accustomed to working with the controls and integrating powerful window management features in to your application. For detailed documentation on specific topics and members, please refer to the class library documentation that was installed with the SandDock package.
Table of Contents
Getting Started
- What is SandDock?
- Dockable Windows
- Tabbed Documents
- The TabControl
Using SandDock
- The SandDockManager
- Creating a Window Layout
- Designable Controls
- Setting Window Capabilities
Programmatic Control
- Showing and Hiding Windows
- Tracking Active Windows
- Docking and Floating
- Renderers
- Layout Serialization
- Actions Menu
Advanced Topics
- Window Duality
- Delay Loading Windows
- DockSystemContainer
- EnableTabbedDocuments
- Layout Systems