Thank you for choosing to evaluate our products. Our evaluation versions last for 30 days from their first use, after which time certain aspects of their behaviour will stop working. At this time you can uninstall the evaluation version and install the commercial version, should you choose to acquire full licenses. All normal behaviour will be restored and you will not have to re-implement your form design.
To express our gratitude we'd like to make sure that you have the smoothest possible experience integrating our products into your application. If you are having difficulty using an advertised feature, or you'd like to know whether a feature is or will be supported, or you suspect the product is not working as it should be, we will welcome your feedback and will get back to you as soon as possible with a resolution to your query.
Many common questions have already been answered in the community forums, so it's often worth searching there before contacting support, as this will lead to a quicker answer.
Community Forums
To contact us, please fill in the following form which will be sent to us by email. You can expect a reply within a few days, usually much sooner, depending on the issue raised. Where you have encountered an exception, please include a full stack trace and detailed steps to reproduce the behaviour.
Please ensure you are using the latest version of a product before contacting us regarding a bug.

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Email Address: |
Product: |
Environment: |
Issue: |