Control Suites
Windows Forms
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Windows Forms is one of the best frameworks for deploying rich client applications today. Using GDI+ it is possible to create compelling interfaces that look good, draw fast and are intuitive and easy to use. The extensive designer architecture in .NET makes it possible for us to create products with an unprecedented level of design time integration. Here you will find a collection of Windows Forms controls designed to leverage this rich flexibility to the fullest.
Windows Presentation Foundation is a brand new windowless presentation framework with many great capabilities for smooth animations and transitions, transforms and real 3D. As the tools support for WPF increases so will our control suite offering. One of our most popular products, SandDock, is already available for WPF.

SandDock Dockable Windows and Tabbed Documents
SandDock is a window layout engine that adds advanced document paging and dockable windows functionality to your applications. Its two main components provide a modern tabbed document manager and rich docking that supports complex layout systems, collapsible control groups and intuitive redocking tools.
The unparalleled design-time support of SandDock means it only takes a few clicks of the mouse to get dockable windows set up and working in your form. Visual configuration of dockable windows makes SandDock the easiest tool of its kind to configure.
Our new WPF version also includes smooth animation and 3D window switching effects along with resolution-independence.
SandDock for Windows Presentation Foundation
SandDock for Windows Forms

SandRibbon Office 2007 User Interface
SandRibbon is a user interface suite designed to mimic the advanced controls seen in Microsoft Office 2007. Its features revolve around a Ribbon control, which presents a well-organised list of available commands, divided into logical groups with some groups displayed contextually. It is designed to plug in to your applications and serve as a replacement for the traditional menus and toolbars paradigm.
All major features of the Office 2007 user interface are made available through this library, and we provide many classes to make common tasks easier for document-oriented applications, as well as the user interface controls themselves. In this way we enable you to take advantage of such features as enhanced screentips, recently-used documents lists, rich popups, galleries, live preview, animations and many more. A lot of functionality, such as comprehensive keyboard access and true right-to-left reading order support, is enabled by default for all applications, requiring no extra work.
SandRibbon for Windows Presentation Foundation
SandRibbon for Windows Forms

SandGrid Data Display
SandGrid is a powerful, versatile list control capable of displaying data in tabular and hierarchical form. It was designed from the ground up to support trees of items and to be truly extensible. Because of its special architecture it can be used as a powerful replacement for the ListView, TreeView and DataGridView controls bundled with .NET, offering more customization options and a consistent developer experience. It can be used standalone or bound to data. Nested grids are fully supported, and SandGrid will automatically discover related views when bound to data that supports them. Virtual rows help bridge the gap between your business objects and display.
Sorting and grouping are fully supported with fast algorithms that support both single and multi-column sorts. Specialized column types increase productivity by allowing easier control over data formatting at design time. Columns can be sized automatically or by the user, as can rows. Visual column and row reordering is also supported. An easy API to persist grid state is included.
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SandBar Toolbars and Menus
SandBar is a powerful and lightweight toolbar and menuing library. Combining a rich and intuitive design time experience with a solid, extensible architecture and set of renderers that mimic Office 2003, Office XP and Visual Studio 2005, it is a valuable addition to any developer's toolbox. Offering dockable toolbars, menus, statusbars and other controls, its flexible layout engines give you the power to present your application commands in just the way you want, and your users the power to customise their experience.
The designer support in SandBar is second to none. All controls and items are configured visually, right in the design surface - integrating fully with the IDE's drag-and-drop and clipboard services. Advanced menu designers let you view and manipulate your menu system in your container at design time just like you would at runtime. These powerful features allow you to add a rich, attractive toolbar/menu/statusbar system to your form in minutes.
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Eyefinder Data Navigation
Eyefinder is a powerful presentation-layer component that is designed to aid navigation through different types of data. Its navigaton bar displays collapsible buttons to represent different navigation modes which reveal child controls when clicked. The additional header control provides support for separating different interface areas with a consistent and attractive header.
Full design-time support is included of course, and working with the control at design time is much the same as working with it at runtime. As the navigation panes are selected, the client area of the control is updated to show their contents.
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Navisight is a combination of a flexible navigation bar and a mini toolbar that, when combined, can give your application a great navigation user experience. Whether you choose to host your own controls in the navigation bar or use the buttonbar provided, you can be sure the choice of renderers and smooth animation offered will make your user interface that much more pleasant to use.
Great designer support means that integrating this product in to your application is a breeze, and the packaged renderers ensure that you can keep up-to-date with the latest user experience trends.
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Wizard Framework
Wizard Framework is the very best way to eliminate the headache of creating a robust, functional wizard in your application. It features a carefully designed API that makes it a breeze to configure all kinds of wizards - from a simple linear flow to a complex process with many junctions and decisions. The InformationBox control presents an easy to configure alert to provide that extra piece of information to your users.
A superior design-time experience is at the heart of this framework, setting it apart from the rest of the crowd. Turning your blank form in to a wizard is as easy as dropping the component on there and adding as many pages as you need.
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