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SandDock for WPF
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SandDock brings advanced windows management to your applications, making it easy to deal with multiple documents and views in your software by supporting techniques like docking, tabbing and floating for each window. Smooth animations and intuitive window switching with optional Tab-3D make this the best window management solution available.

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SandDock Version History

Shown below is a complete history of the public releases of this product. Sections highlighted in blue represent maintenance releases that do not generally introduce any new features but address existing issues. Where available, you can view the release notes for a particular build.

12 December 2007
NEW: Full design time support enabled in the Visual Studio 2008 WPF designer.
NEW: UseDockableWindowTemplate method added to DocumentContainer for users who wish all documents to appear as dockable windows.
NEW: Embedding a DockSite within a window within a DockSite is now supported.
NEW: The MdiPanel.ResizeMode attached property can be applied to windows to control how they can be resized while appearing as MDI children.
NEW: AllowCollapse property on windows allows you to specify that a window cannot be unpinned by the user.
NEW: AllowMerge property on DockingRules allows you to specify that a window cannot be merged with any others in a group.
FIX: An ArgumentNullException could be thrown when using the product under VS2008.
FIX: The FloatingLocation and FloatingSize properties of a window are now correctly persisted in the serialized layout information.
FIX: Using ApplyTabbedLayout in a blank layout would create an empty, unclosable WindowGroup.
24 September 2007
NEW: Office 2007 look and feel, complete with three colour schemes, is supported.
NEW: Animation effects when docking and undocking windows with the mouse.
NEW: AllowClose property on DockableWindow.
FIX: Clicking on the caption of a floating window would not activate it.
FIX: A floating window group is no longer closable if it contains a window whose AllowClose property is set to false.
14 August 2007
NEW: Additional Dock method overload allows specifying of the side on which to dock the window.
NEW: A warning is shown in debug output when layout serialization is performed on a window without an explicitly set Guid property.
NEW: A CloseMethod property on windows allows specifying whether a window is hidden or detached when closed.
NEW: TabForeground property added to DockableWindow.
FIX: An exception could be thrown in a layout containing windows with no titles.
FIX: An AdornerDecorator is now present in the default template for an MDI window.
FIX: An exception would be thrown when attempting to use a SandDock splitter when you had re-templated the default Window without an AdornerDecorator.
FIX: Certain layouts could result in the titlebar text and buttons being unavailable for a window.
FIX: Dragging floating windows on a high DPI screen could result in the window not aligning precisely with the mouse cursor.
FIX: SplitContainer measurement could result in an invalid, infinite size.
FIX: Documents would fire their Closed events when an MDI or Tabbed layout was being applied dynamically to a container.
FIX: A StackOverflowException could be thrown when performing certain actions running under .NET 3.5 Beta 2.
FIX: Sometimes after floating a window you would be unable to focus the window owner.
IMPROVED: Docking hints are now implemented as popups instead of adorners, so they are always on top of hosted windows forms controls and floating windows.
IMPROVED: The demonstration application has been updated to include an example of defining a window as a standalone file and instantiating it within your main layout.
16 May 2007
NEW: The transition into and out of Tab-3D is now animated - windows go smoothly between their screen and 3D positions like in Vista.
NEW: The animations in Tab-3D can be disabled and their lengths controlled.
NEW: SetWindowState and GetWindowState methods added to MdiContainer to simplify programmatic management of MDI window states.
FIX: Double-clicking on an MDI window titlebar could result in an exception.
FIX: Sending a window back to a document situation when all other fixed documents had been removed could result in an exception.
FIX: When closing a floating group of windows a NullReferenceException could be thrown.
13 April 2007
First release.

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